Monday, 15 March 2010

a quick apology

I am frustratedly absent from blogging at present, and am very sorry for this. I have been on great painkillers that have made back pain and arthritis completely manageable for the last year or so, but my body has decided that it no longer likes the drugs.  So until I can get the painkillers right, or jump the queue for back surgery, I am taking a quiet break.  It hopefully will only be another week or so until I have this cracked but until then, under warning from the teen (who will verify that I talk drug-induced jibberish all day), I am banned from blogging!  (By the way, I would like to point out that I consider myself far too young to have arthritis or need back surgery ... since my bio pic of a brownie will not reveal this!) 

In the meantime, check out this food photography and cooking course that I hope to do later in the year with one of my favourite photographers, an amazing cook and one of my favourite parts of France - what could be better!


  1. One of my work colleagues has arthritis and had had it since she was 19! It really can strike at any age! Really hope you're feeling better soon. x

  2. Hi Kate - doesn't sound as though you are having the best of years. Good Luck and hope you get it cracked soon. The course looks fantastic.

  3. Oh poor you Kate. I hope you get the pain relief sorted soon and are able to shared your recipes with us again. XXX

  4. Feel better soon, my mum has arthritis, I have the utmost sympathy for you :(

  5. Thank you very much for your kind messages, both here and by email, they are much appreciated :)

  6. Get well soon Kate. It sounds horrible.

    Thanks for the food photography link!

  7. Hope you're fine soon, Kate! Take care.

    Best regards,

  8. I hope you are better soon and back to blogging.
